Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Take Care

I posted 2 more recipes below.  We've got a snow storm and school was cancelled.  My kids are happy!!!!

My to-do list:
-take care of the squash.  Cook my butter-nut squash for lunch that I found on sale before it goes bad
-take care of the driveway (my back hurts just thinking about it)  The girls and I have the afternoon shoveling shift.
-take care of my sick daughter
-take care of my daughter who has to study for her AP tests (very stressful)
-take care of my dog who is going to end up with giant frozen balls stuck to her fir after playing in the snow.  I think she will need a bath.
-take care of my husband and his back that sometimes gets thrown-out from shoveling (he took the morning shoveling shift)
-take care of me and my neck and back after shoveling and taking care of everyone else
-take care of me again, and keep my wishes at bay to put away wool socks and down jackets.  I think we will need them out for another month at least.
-take care of my business and make some cake stands
-take care of my office and organize it.  Get everything put away from the Mack Wilberg Workshop refreshment table
-take care of my toes.   I need to paint my toe-nails, they have not seen the light of day in 6 months.  It will be a great snow-day activity
-take care of our Psyche.  Go wild and crazy and make our own sunshine with a Hawaiian dinner and some Beach Boys music tonight.

If it were even a year ago, my kids would be outside playing in the snow and building snow caves.  In honor of that, here are some snow pictures from a huge snow storm a few years ago.  Notice how deep the snow was.  The trampoline shown looks like it got it's legs cut-off.  It is buried in snow!

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