Thursday, February 28, 2013

Counting Calories and Healthy Recipes

This is long, bear with me.

Yes, I am in that category where I now need to watch what I eat.  It took me a long time to gather the courage to admit it.  I was one of those people who was blessed with pretty good metabolism as long as I stayed semi-active.  Looking back, my weight did fluctuate here and there during college eating the dorm food and during the child-bearing years.  But I bounced back pretty quickly with not much effort on my part.  I just made my home-cooked meals, had dessert each night, exercised hear and there, and all was well.
Then once I hit my 30's and 40's everything changed.  I found myself (like the woman pictured above) busier than ever.  Especially over the last few years, our family dynamics shifted with teens and crazy schedules.  There was so much going on with other life events as well, that I found myself hungrier with less time to plan good meals as I was accustomed to during other times of my life.  I think I wanted to eat sugar to keep up the energy to keep going each day, but also for the first time in my life, I think I was stress eating.  I never became "fat" for lack of a better word, but I was heavier than I had ever been, and it bothered me that I knew I wasn't as healthy as I could be, as I have a life-long goal of being healthy inside and out.

After Christmas this year, I took a step back and examined my eating habits.  At the same time, my friend who was trying to lose weight reached out to other women she knew who were trying to lose weight as well.  She invited us over for lunch one day and had us all bring a favorite healthy low-calorie recipe and share healthy tips.  It was amazing to taste the delicious food and see all that we knew when we put our heads together.  

We now meet on a regular basis and share new recipes each time. And we've learned a TON.  Hear is a summary of what we've learned.  

A Baker's Dozen List of Healthy Eating Tips

1. The pantry seemed to be calling my name very loudly each day.  After all, I am a stay-at-home mom, and I am in close proximity to it all day and all night.
     Task: Stop going to the pantry so often.  Look at it as something that has limits.  It was a form of denial to think it was fine to eat what I wanted when I wanted. 

2. I don't think while I am eating.  I would just open mouth and insert food.  I totally needed to get my brain and my mouth reconnected. 
    Task: Think more.  Be in the moment and really think about what I am doing.

3. Portion control.  I ate as much as I wanted.
    Task: Start reading labels and looking at serving sizes.  

4. Eating too much made me hungrier.  Really, since I have cut back, I don't crave as much food, especially in the evening.
   Task: get off the sugar-rush and over-eating feeling.  Get satisfied (not full) from healthy foods, not carbs and over-eating.  You would be amazed at how much you can eat when it is good food like fruits and vegies.

5. Understand what I am eating.  Do a little research about fats and sugars and the food groups from trusted sources.  Don't do crazy things or crazy diets.
    Task: Be more proactive about my food and calorie intake.  Make sure I have more healthy food on hand.  Take a special trip to the store just for me and food that I have consciously chosen.  Modify recipes to be healthier.

6. Hormones.  Goodness.  Let's admit it- if you are in your 40's, you are likely effected by hormonal changes.  If you aren't in your 40's, there are other hormonal issues such as pregnancy, nursing, medications, etc.  My hormones make me hungry.  I am hungrier at certain times of the month than others.  It would not be an understatement that women can feel those raging hormones ;o)
   Task: What can I do when I am hungry?  Change my go-to food.  A bowl of granola has 2-3 times the calories as a bowl of cottage cheese and a little fruit.  
7. This is a life-style change.  If all you do is count calories, you may not be permanently successful.  Get the help you need.
   Task:  Many of us joined where we can encourage each other daily, track our calories, and record our exercise (they have an amazing database that lets you know how your exercise effects how much you can eat in a day.)  Also, make healthy food for your family and teach them good habits to last a life-time.  Have them help prepare and clean-up, and keep that dinner hour as sacred family time.

8. Temptation.  One of my friends was staring at the bag of chocolate chips in the grocery store, asking herself, should I or should't I?  She was about to text one of us for support to get her through it so she could resist.  But then came flashing through her mind and that helped her resist on her own.  
    Task: Find away to be accountable, and it may influence your decision-making process.
9. Geographic challenges.  Losing weight in the winter can be challenging.  I live in Minnesota, where I am already cold and dressed in wool socks and sweaters.  Losing weight can make you feel cold, and we are already cold.  Cold times 2 is no fun!  
    Task: One of my friends suggested the simple idea of turning up the heat- light bulb!  It is worth it to pay just a little more for the heat than to eat a cup of hot chocolate (or too much coffee) EVERY day!  What is your challenge with seasons or weather… think of solutions rather than giving in.

10. Don't do this alone.  
   Task: Talking about it with my kids and husband has really helped.  I love to bake, and I just asked that they support me while I get over the hump: I simply could not have so many cookies in our house while I was getting my self-control back in tact.  And pray about it!  Call on someone greater than yourself to help you where you are weak. I know the Lord will help each of us with whatever we need help with, and that includes keeping our appetites in check.  He helps us overcome our weaknesses.  I love this picture because she is in her jeans surrounded by food which to me represents the "here and now"-- get the help you need while you are in the moment.  
11.Be patient.
    Task: If you have a bad day, remember, tomorrow is a new day.  Maybe you need to look at the whole week instead of just that day.

12. Celebrate
  Task: give your friends total emotional Kudo's when they succeed.  And you get "bragging rights" when you pass up that birthday cake for the first time in your life or go for a walk instead of walk to the   pantry.  Let people know what you did!  And some people like to take a day off, or weekend off.  You just have to find what works for you.  

13. Exercise and Drink Water
   Task: I can eat more calories when I exercise.  But I also feel hungrier, so it is a balancing act.

It has been so great to work together on this with my friends!  It strengthens me to have the help, and it strengthens friendships.  Isn't it better to turn to a friend or God than food?  

Of course one of the great benefits is to see results of going down a pant-size or having your arm not flap in the wind quite the way it used to ;o)

Our unofficial name for our group "Healthy Eating Group".  Not very original, but hay-- if we make it complicated, we're not gonna get it done, right?

So, that is why I am going to start posting "Healthy Recipes" on a regular basis here.  If you are in the same boat as me and my friends, good luck and enjoy!

I am going to start with Darlene's really easy Chicken Taco recipe.

Chicken Tacos
1/4 cup of Italian Salad Dressing (you can use fat-free, zesty, whatever you have)
1 garlic clove, minced
1 1/2 pounds of frozen boneless chicken breasts (usually about 3 or 4 breasts from the bag)
1 teaspoon Chili powder
1 teaspoon Cumin
1/4 cup water

Mix all your ingredients, except the chicken, in a little bowl.  Put chicken in crockpot and pour over chicken.  Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.  Shred with two forks and serve on tortillas with lettuce, cheese (read the label to know what the proper portion size is so you don't get too much), tomato, refried beans, etc.  Plain yogurt or fat-free sour cream is a nice substitute for regular sour cream.

It's yummy on white or cooked corn tortillas.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sparklers and Confetti Ribon

Once upon a time, there was this beautiful couple.  And they got married.
They had an amazing wedding reception in the evening.  So they had the wonderful idea to leave at the end of the night with sparklers and confetti ribbon.

We had the bridesmaids hand it out to everyone.  But first we put the supplies in these baskets (which are available to rent).

First all the guests lined up in the big long hallway on each side.  Then as they came running down the aisle, we popped the ribbon out.  What is so cool is the ribbon stayed attached to the container so there was no clean up hassle.

Then once outside, everyone lit their sparklers.  No picture of that (sorry). 

 It was a fun and festive way to end the night.  
And begin a new life together.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Beautiful Gold Vintage Cake Stand Buffet

  • To purchase on my Etsy Shop: Click Here
  • To see more cake stand photos and other great products like jewelry, visit my Facebook Page: Here
  • For Gold Cake Stand Eye Candy and Ideas, keep reading!

A wonderful way to make a dessert bar is to take an eclectic mix of different cake stands that have the same theme (scroll down for those photos).  

Below the first 7 photos, you'll find photos of gold cake stands that I have sold.  While I don't make them out of glass any more, it can give you some ideas if you search for your own plates to make a cake stand.  

If you like wooden cake stands, I do make custom cake stands that can be painted gold.  Here are some beautiful updated photos of what I currently sell.  In the photo below, I love the gold cake stand and the way it pops with the gold chairs.  

Here are some more of the wooden ones I paint gold that I sell in my Etsy shop (click here to go my Etsy Shop

This one was used by a baker in Barbados.
This is in my own studio, but made for a baker in Oklahoma.

The glass ones I used to make

The cake plate on top of the little one with the gold fringe can be duplicated to fit any pedestal.
 This is from line of custom cake stand line.  Pictured are The Jessie (8 in tall), the Lucy (6 in tall) and the Audrey (4 in tall).  They can be ordered in any color.  The photos at the top of this post do a much better job of capturing the exact shade of gold which is a lot easier to do with a better camera and the right light :o).

You can pretty much do anything... just pick a plate and a pedestal.  You can put gold with gold, or gold with crystal.  If you can't find a real medal gold, just find a cool looking pedestal that you think would hold up a plate well and paint it gold.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

We Love

Happy Valentine's Day!  In honor of Valentine's, I thought this was the perfect time to post something very sweet about love.  It isn't just any love, it is God's love, and the love between a husband and a wife, and a love that is selfless.

I recently came across a bride who asked for a special order.  I was so impressed by her beautiful idea and the symbolism behind it.

First, she purchased this lovely antique hand towel/table runner from me.  

Then, she asked if I could have it embroidered for her with the following scripture:
As part of her wedding ceremony, she and her husband are going to wash eachother's feet with it.  What a beautiful gesture to bring God into their marriage from the very beginning and to show there humble and selfless commitment to eachother.  

One of the really wonderful things about this is what a treasure and momento this towel will be for years to come.  They can decorate with it, or put it in a special place as not to forget the sacred promises they have made to eachother and to God.

The root of our love comes from God first, but all the drops of love throughout our life have brought us to where we are now.  Perhaps some of us don't always feel love, or weren't loved or treated as we should, but God's love can fill us up where we are not whole, and we can create a new life.
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's day…. and remember, that we love, because we were first loved.  So spread the love, and allow someone else to first be loved by you, and I am sure the love will come back to you as you give selflessly to others.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Try a New Perspective

Over the weekend we had weather that Minnesota is notorious for: an Arctic clipper with freezing rain first, followed by 4 inches of snow.  It made for a gray day and slippery roads and my vehicle looked like it got dipped in water then put into a freezer.

My girls are growing up and don't go play in the snow quite the way they used to.  I have hundreds of pictures of them building snow caves, sledding, tubing, making snow balls, etc.  Yesterday I decided to take a picture with a different perspective.

It is the two of them looking outside at the storm.  It felt cold and gray.  We were warm inside, and life really slowed down just for the day.  For me, this picture captures that mood.

When you are capturing a memorable event, try a different perspective to capture the mood and it might make for a unique and treasured photo.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Cupcake Stands

My cupcake stands are now available on Etsy.

To purchase, click here:

They are $6 each.  They measure 3.25 inches tall, by 3 inches across, and 1/4 inch thick for the top.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

"My Northern Living", New Blog Name

My blog has evolved into much more than an Etsy business, so it is time for a new name.  This name reflects better what I write about: living life with a fun, but down-to-earth and practical-approach.  I was born and raised in the desert and am a "desert rat" at heart.  Now I live in the north part of our great country: Minnesota.  For at least half of the year, my goal in life is to stay warm.  I miss the mountains and dry, brown earth, but I have learned to love the trees and critters and culture of my northern living.  

And while I am introducing my new blog, let me introduce my new product.

This is Pink Mini-Cupcake Stand.  Isn't she cute!  She is so adorable!  I just love her!  She will soon be posted on Etsy for purchase.

She has a brother: Blue Mini-Cupcake Stand.

And here they are with their cousins, Silver and Tan with vintage trim.
Let me know if you are interested in any, and I can reserve ahead of time.  Just leave a comment or convo me on Etsy:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Parent Paparazzi and Other Candid Photos

My daughter recently attended a school dance.  I want to share a few of my favorite pictures that are the ones of the real action- not the line-up of kids looking very staged next to their dates.  But the ones that tell a little more of the story.  

Like this for example: The Parent Paparazzi was hilarious!  There were so many flashes it was as if we had all just given birth and seen these kids for the first time.

This is one that I think all of the girls and parents will cherish forever. I loved it so much I even edited it to black and white.  I just stood up on a chair and aimed downward while the girls squatted a little.

Don't forget the flowers…. "Twin Powers….Activate!" (I just dated myself).

It was so fun to see the kids great each other with excitement and nervous anticipation.  It was somewhat chaotic with girls rushing around in up-does and very high heels running behind and all gitty.  

The boys were Huber cool and laid back, though I think maybe a few of them were kind of nervous.  Even the dog kept plopping herself right in the center of the action!

Here is a fun "behind the scenes" action shot…. sister and friends helping her getting ready.

So the next time you have a special occasion… remember to take pictures of the candid things, and you might come up with a very treasured photo, like this one.  This is my very favorite photo of the evening, but also one of my all-time favorites.  Because of it, I will always remember how beautiful she looked, but also how sweet and tender and respectful this young man was to her throughout the night.