Saturday, February 22, 2014

Holy Moley-- The Weather!

It all started with a couple of recurring spouts of a Polar Vortex.  Seriously... the air from the NORTH POLE was jet-streamed down to us crazies who decided to settle our life here in Minnesota.  Yes, I just said ARCTIC air from the NORTH POLE in case you missed that.
Let me tell you what a Polar Vortex is.
It's cold.

It's colder than Mars- the planet. (I read that in the Star Tribune).

It's so cold a cup of hot water will instantly evaporate and turn to "snow" when you throw it in the air. (We did that experiment.)

It is so cold that exposed skin will begin to get frostbite after just 5 minutes. I am not kidding when I say my little toe did get some frostbite through snow that got into my broken-foot-boot and I even had a blister.

It is so cold that school gets cancelled 5 times.  (That is probably more times it's been cancelled in the last 10 years put together.)

It is so cold that it is silent.  Complete silence abounds when you walk outside because everyone is inside.  That is during the middle of a busy day when you would normally see lots of cars and people out.

Lastly, it so cold that the HIGH temperature of the day was about -20.  What is really funny is that the sky is as brilliant blue so it tricks you and makes you think it will be much warmer than it is when you step outside.

I will say that it felt very fresh like nothing I've ever felt and that I can now take visiting the North Pole off of my bucket list. (actually it wasn't on my list, but if it had been, it would have been crossed off).

And now we are sitting under I don't know how many of inches because it has never melted because of the aforementioned cold.  We will need to be dug out soon.

All of us in Minnesota will need to be rescued.  I am not sure if that will happen before or after the flooding.  Seriously... where will all this snow go?  I hope not into my basement (please, please, please don't let me get a flooded basement).

Well, at least my dog likes it.  And we've had lots of fun "family bonding" shoveling snow together.  This is one day when my friend Lisa and the Sister Missionaries came to help me shovel.
And I am a trooper- I even shoveled in my boot when my foot was still broken.  We are all troopers because no matter how cold it is outside or tired of winter we get, we just bundle up with our snow pants and boots and we still take the dogs on walks.  You've just got to buck up and do it.

And it feels so cozy inside when it is snowing outside.  That causes me to make lots of soup.  I have made so many big pots of soup this winter.  Yum.
And it sure is pretty after a fresh snow.  Look close and you can see the snow glistens.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine's Day- So Original, Yet So Vintage!

My cake stands were recently featured on several blogs, two of which were Occasion Magazine's Blog and The Frosted Petticoat.

It was so fun to the see the vision that Frosted Petticoat had come to life.  You can click here to see the article (and you can also find the Frosted Petticoat on Etsy- they make whimsical chocolates).

Here are the amazing photos.  So fun, and like the title says, it is original, yet vintage.  It doesn't get much better than that in my mind!