Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Break

It's been a little quiet around here, because in the middle of working on these beautiful orders:
 We took a few days during spring break weekend to visit my home town of "Fabulous Las Vegas".

If you wonder how much we loved it, let's put it like this: You see this lake (Lake Mead) and the beautiful mountains?  Imagine Garden-of-Eden perfect weather as you walk along the shore and ride through the desert hills with no agenda while sipping Sonic Slushes in great big cups of ice.

Now picture what happened the night we got home: We arrived in the middle of the night to below zero windchills with no coats because we thought the cold spell would end while we were gone.  We had to scrape frozen ice off the car during the middle of the night as we watched drifting snow blow by us from the snow storm that morning.  Luckily, the car started.  We have been in the single digits every morning since.  It would not be an overstatement to say we LOVED the nearly perfect weather and sunshine of Nevada!!!

Not to mention the fact that we loved catching up with old friends and family.  It was truly wonderful!  And there will be more pictures of scenery to come...

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