Friday, May 17, 2013

Mother's Day…..

…...It was all about these girls….
 ….and this guy….
….and how sweet my family was to me.
 It was also about spring feeling like it has finally sprung after all that complaining about winter not ending.  At least that is what my tulips seem to be saying.  These are my first tulips that I have ever planted.  And I think I am in love with them.  They are so cute.  They look so happy, just as happy as us that the sun is shining.
We attended my daughter's piano recital.  We were in awe of how far she has come this year.  We didn't realize until she was playing and saw the growth in her this year.  She worked so hard, practicing many, many, many hours.  It gave me chills to see the audiences reaction as she played.  Her teacher even gave her special recognition at the end, and another round of applause came.  Quite a few people came up at the end and told her how moved they were.  It was not a perfect performance because she was nervous-- but it didn't need to be, and no one could hear her mistake except her.  She did a wonderful job.  And she did master that song! You can click here to watch the video of her playing and here to see her teacher giving recognition. We kept with tradition, and let her choose a restaraunt to celebrate at.  We went to Cafe Latte because we love the food, but also because "she loves the area, and wanted to look at the houses on Grand Ave and drive around."  my husband got them in action telling secrets while we ate.
It was a beautiful day for a drive.  The houses were spectacular.  The Cathedral and Capitol looked especially pretty.
They also wanted to go to Lululemon.  Is that not the most awesome mirror ever?!
I felt incredibly blessed to have my husband and daugthers this Mother's Day.  I loved the scripture my husband found last week, teaching that Eve was called the Mother of All Living before she even had children.  Women are mothers no matter the circumstances.  We have the special call to nurture and teach and love and make this world a better place.  I am very thankful for that gift and that responsibility.  And I am also extremely grateful to be a mother to these 2 girls!!!  I love my family immensely. And I am also thankful for when they get ahold of the camera when I am not looking and take funny pictures.         

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