Monday, May 6, 2013

A Healthy Dose of "Son"shine

Finally, some sunshine has arrived.  It's been a long time coming here in Minnesota.  And Saturday was as gray and bleek as it gets.  I had been keeping on top of the gloomy weather, but Saturday seemed to hit me hard.  I woke up pretty grumpy.  I felt just like the clouds in this picture….. grrrrrr…..

I got myself dressed and headed to a women's conference at our church.  And I learned an important lesson- if you are in a dreary "state" (of mind or a real state like Minnesota), and you need to make your own sunshine, so to speak, service is a healthy dose of Sun/Son.  There is nothing like forgetting yourself and going to work as Jesus would do.  Acting as He would, and being His hands for a little while, can really turn things around.

The organizers of this event did an amazing job.  We were fed spiritually and physically.  We had wonderful classes on everything from geneology, to reaching out and helping our family and neighbors, to cooking.  We had amazing food for lunch.  And we did lots of service.

We gathered and organized the following supplies for the following organizations:

700 hygiene kits
200 blankets
40 large boxes of food
100 letters to military people and missionaries (they hung some pictures of a few people we wrote)

Shriner's Hospital for Children
Cross Food Shelf
Alexandra House for Battered Women
Harbor Lights Homeless Shelter
It was a wonderful event and a great reminder we can all make a difference in our communities.

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