Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Parent Paparazzi and Other Candid Photos

My daughter recently attended a school dance.  I want to share a few of my favorite pictures that are the ones of the real action- not the line-up of kids looking very staged next to their dates.  But the ones that tell a little more of the story.  

Like this for example: The Parent Paparazzi was hilarious!  There were so many flashes it was as if we had all just given birth and seen these kids for the first time.

This is one that I think all of the girls and parents will cherish forever. I loved it so much I even edited it to black and white.  I just stood up on a chair and aimed downward while the girls squatted a little.

Don't forget the flowers…. "Twin Powers….Activate!" (I just dated myself).

It was so fun to see the kids great each other with excitement and nervous anticipation.  It was somewhat chaotic with girls rushing around in up-does and very high heels running behind and all gitty.  

The boys were Huber cool and laid back, though I think maybe a few of them were kind of nervous.  Even the dog kept plopping herself right in the center of the action!

Here is a fun "behind the scenes" action shot…. sister and friends helping her getting ready.

So the next time you have a special occasion… remember to take pictures of the candid things, and you might come up with a very treasured photo, like this one.  This is my very favorite photo of the evening, but also one of my all-time favorites.  Because of it, I will always remember how beautiful she looked, but also how sweet and tender and respectful this young man was to her throughout the night.

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