Saturday, February 9, 2013

"My Northern Living", New Blog Name

My blog has evolved into much more than an Etsy business, so it is time for a new name.  This name reflects better what I write about: living life with a fun, but down-to-earth and practical-approach.  I was born and raised in the desert and am a "desert rat" at heart.  Now I live in the north part of our great country: Minnesota.  For at least half of the year, my goal in life is to stay warm.  I miss the mountains and dry, brown earth, but I have learned to love the trees and critters and culture of my northern living.  

And while I am introducing my new blog, let me introduce my new product.

This is Pink Mini-Cupcake Stand.  Isn't she cute!  She is so adorable!  I just love her!  She will soon be posted on Etsy for purchase.

She has a brother: Blue Mini-Cupcake Stand.

And here they are with their cousins, Silver and Tan with vintage trim.
Let me know if you are interested in any, and I can reserve ahead of time.  Just leave a comment or convo me on Etsy:

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